Adrian Schmidlin
Preferred areas of work
Adrian Schmidlin represents clients in state court and arbitration proceedings. He is also active in corporate, commercial, and contract law. In addition, he works in the fields of debt enforcement and bankruptcy law, immigration law, and transactional aviation law. Adrian Schmidlin has extensive experience advising private clients, family offices, and companies on a wide range of legal matters. He practices in both German and English.
Preferred areas of work
Adrian Schmidlin graduated in 2009 with a degree in law and economics from the University of St. Gallen. During his studies, he spent an exchange semester at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. In 2013, he obtained the Zurich bar admission. His education was further enriched by studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (USA), School of Law, where he earned a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in 2019.
Professional experience
Adrian Schmidlin began his professional career at a well-known tax law firm in Zurich. He then served as a law clerk at a district court in the Canton of Zurich. After being admitted to the bar, he worked for two international companies in the areas of audit, tax, consulting, and legal services. He then practiced law as an attorney in a larger business law firm in Zurich, most recently as a partner. Adrian Schmidlin has been a partner at Kohli Urbach Rechtsanwälte AG since January 2025.
Swiss Bar Association, Zurich Bar Association.
Courses and lectures
Lectures at HWZ
Adrian Schmidlin is a member of the editorial board of legalis brief – Fachdienst Gesellschaftsrecht, where he regularly publishes articles and undertakes editorial responsibilities.
Adrian Schmidlin is a member of the editorial board of legalis brief – Fachdienst Gesellschaftsrecht, where he regularly publishes articles and undertakes editorial responsibilities.
“Economic aspects of airspace control and protection”
Megatrend Review, Vol 15 No. 3, Nov 01, 2018, UDC 341.226:65.011.47
“Ljudske performanse i ogranicenja u vazduhoplovstvu” (Engl. Human performance and limitations in aviation) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8688617697
Admiral Books · Apr 22, 2014
“Nesrece koje su promenile avio-industriju” (Eng. Disasters that changed the aviation industry) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8688617864
Admiral Books · Feb 17, 2015
“Sve sto jepotrebno znati o putovanju avionom” (Eng. All you need to know about traveling by plane) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8690246205
Admiral Books · Sep 13, 2016
“Umor dremucka u kokpitu” (Eng. Fatigue from napping in the cockpit)
Nova Galaksija (ScientificMagazine) · May 3, 2017
“Faktor umora u vazduhoplovstvu” (Eng. Fatigue factor in aviation) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-86-6010-008-7
Admiral Books · Nov 01, 2018
"Dragi putnici imamo problem u avionu!" (Eng. Dear passengers, we have a problem!) - Serbian, paperback - ISBN978-86-6010-014-8
Admiral Books · Feb 1, 2021
"Dodatnim veštinama do uspešnijeg upravljanja avionom" (Eng. Improved skills for more successful piloting) -Serbian, paperback - ISBN 978-86-6010-023-0
Admiral Books · Apr 22, 2024