Christoph Erdin
Preferred areas of work
Preferred areas of work
Christoph Erdin has over 20 years of experience as Head Legal and General Counsel working for leading natural resources companies and commodity traders on most type of commodities (in particular Oil & Gas, Iron Ore, Manganese, Bauxite, Coal, Copper, PGM, Tungsten and Chrome) in different geographical areas (Russia, CIS, Europe, Africa, Australia and South America).
His preferred area of work are metals and mining, oil and gas, natural resources, commodities trading, trade financing and project finance. Christoph Erdin is also member of the board of a number of mining companies and represents several trading companies and high net worth individuals.
With a proven track record across the entire mining value chain, from exploration to production, Mr. Erdin brings a unique and valuable combination of technical expertise and legal acumen to our clients.
Christoph Erdin speaks German/ Swiss German as mother tongue, English, Spanish and Portuguese fluently, French upper intermediate and basic Russian.
He holds a Master of law degree from the University of Zurich (1998), LLM in Banking and Finance Law University College London (2003) and is admitted to the Zurich and Swiss Bar.
Professional experience
Christoph Erdin currently serves as Group General Counsel of a leading metals and mining company in Zug. Previously Mr. Erdin held several Head Legal and General Counsel with UK listed mining companies in London, Sierra Leone and Zurich and has extensive on the ground experience in developing mining projects from green- and brownfield to production in Africa and South America. He started his career with a renowned Zurich law firm in the M&A and banking department.
Courses and lectures
Lectures at HWZ
“Economic aspects of airspace control and protection”
Megatrend Review, Vol 15 No. 3, Nov 01, 2018, UDC 341.226:65.011.47
“Ljudske performanse i ogranicenja u vazduhoplovstvu” (Engl. Human performance and limitations in aviation) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8688617697
Admiral Books · Apr 22, 2014
“Nesrece koje su promenile avio-industriju” (Eng. Disasters that changed the aviation industry) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8688617864
Admiral Books · Feb 17, 2015
“Sve sto jepotrebno znati o putovanju avionom” (Eng. All you need to know about traveling by plane) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8690246205
Admiral Books · Sep 13, 2016
“Umor dremucka u kokpitu” (Eng. Fatigue from napping in the cockpit)
Nova Galaksija (ScientificMagazine) · May 3, 2017
“Faktor umora u vazduhoplovstvu” (Eng. Fatigue factor in aviation) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-86-6010-008-7
Admiral Books · Nov 01, 2018
"Dragi putnici imamo problem u avionu!" (Eng. Dear passengers, we have a problem!) - Serbian, paperback - ISBN978-86-6010-014-8
Admiral Books · Feb 1, 2021
"Dodatnim veštinama do uspešnijeg upravljanja avionom" (Eng. Improved skills for more successful piloting) -Serbian, paperback - ISBN 978-86-6010-023-0
Admiral Books · Apr 22, 2024