Livio Fenner
Preferred areas of work
Livio Fenner advises clients on matters of commercial, contract, and litigation law. His practice focuses on representing clients' interests in civil litigation, debt enforcement and bankruptcy law, as well as white-collar criminal law. Another core area of his work involves the incorporation of companies and the associated management of corporate housekeeping. Livio Fenner has extensive experience in issues related to corporate and contract law, tenancy and employment law, as well as national and international arbitration.
Preferred areas of work
Livio Fenner completed his Master’s degree at the University of Zurich in 2020. He speaks German, English and French and has basic knowledge of Arabic.
Professional experience
From 2019 to 2022, he was a research assistant to Prof. Dr iur. Johannes Liebrecht, Professor of Legal History at the University of Zurich. During this time, he had a lot of responsibility in teaching and research, led and supervised digital teaching projects, contributed to numerous scientific publications and was involved in designing new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Since 2017, Livio Fenner has been advising start-ups on planning, developing and implementing digital and legal aspects. From 2014 to 2019, he worked as a research assistant to Prof. Dr iur. Marcel Senn, Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich, Chair for History of Law, Contemporary History of Law and Philosophy of Law. In this position, he played a major role in teaching and research and supported various projects in the fields of legal history and philosophy of law. Historical Foundations of European, North American, Indian and Chinese Legal and Corporate Philosophy’ and ‘The Changing Self-Image of Legal Philosophy and Legal History. Twenty Articles on the Emergence and Dissemination of the Scientific Understanding of Law’. He was also involved in delivering a seminar titled ‘Law and Jurisprudence During the Reformation and Renaissance’.
Courses and lectures
European Financial Market Law, CAS Financial Markets Compliance International, HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich, 4 April 2024, together with Dr Guido E. Urbach
Lectures at HWZ
“Economic aspects of airspace control and protection”
Megatrend Review, Vol 15 No. 3, Nov 01, 2018, UDC 341.226:65.011.47
“Ljudske performanse i ogranicenja u vazduhoplovstvu” (Engl. Human performance and limitations in aviation) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8688617697
Admiral Books · Apr 22, 2014
“Nesrece koje su promenile avio-industriju” (Eng. Disasters that changed the aviation industry) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8688617864
Admiral Books · Feb 17, 2015
“Sve sto jepotrebno znati o putovanju avionom” (Eng. All you need to know about traveling by plane) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-8690246205
Admiral Books · Sep 13, 2016
“Umor dremucka u kokpitu” (Eng. Fatigue from napping in the cockpit)
Nova Galaksija (ScientificMagazine) · May 3, 2017
“Faktor umora u vazduhoplovstvu” (Eng. Fatigue factor in aviation) – Serbian, paperback – ISBN 978-86-6010-008-7
Admiral Books · Nov 01, 2018
"Dragi putnici imamo problem u avionu!" (Eng. Dear passengers, we have a problem!) - Serbian, paperback - ISBN978-86-6010-014-8
Admiral Books · Feb 1, 2021
"Dodatnim veštinama do uspešnijeg upravljanja avionom" (Eng. Improved skills for more successful piloting) -Serbian, paperback - ISBN 978-86-6010-023-0
Admiral Books · Apr 22, 2024